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STILFactory Class Reference

STILFactory Class Interface. More...

#include <stilfactory.h>

List of all members.

Static Public Member Functions

STILEntitycreateEntity (const STILEntity::Type &t)
STILEntitycloneEntity (const STILEntity *)

Detailed Description

STILFactory Class Interface.

This class can be used to create new stilentities and clone existing entities as pointers. This can help to remove 'switch' statements where objects are allocated (via 'new', based on STIL::Type) and could also help to potentially remove some file dependencies in other files by keeping all of the different include'd files isolated here in the factory's file dependencies.

Member Function Documentation

STILEntity * STILFactory::cloneEntity const STILEntity pSrcEnt  )  [static]


STILEntity * STILFactory::createEntity const STILEntity::Type t  )  [static]


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This page last updated on 6 Jul 2007 Logo